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Overview of Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Having a long-term perspective investment strategy, Mirae Asset Global Investments is the right venture for you to invest in. As of September 30, 2019, the total AUM (Assets Under Management) of Mirae Asset Global Investments was a total of $137 Billion and has a presence in 14 top countries. Mirae Asset helps individuals in constructing a strong investment portfolio so that they can efficiently achieve their financial goals. Mirae Asset Global Investments provides a wide array of mutual fund schemes according to your risk appetite and investment horizon from which you can choose the right one for you.
Products Offered by Mirae Asset Mutual Fund:
Mirae Asset Equity Fund:
An Equity fund is best suited for investors with a long-term investment horizon on their mind as it holds potential for capital lucrative returns on your invested capital. These equity funds also hold a medium to a high degree of risk percentage, so you must check your risk appetite before investing. A Mirae Asset equity fund invests in equity and equity instruments of various companies. You can check below the equity funds that Mirae Asset provides to its investors.
- Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund
- Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund
- Mirae Asset Great Consumer Fund
- Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund
- Mirae Asset Focused Fund
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund: This equity fund invests in equity and equity instruments of large-cap and mid-cap companies with an investment objective of capital appreciation. It implements the bottom-up approach investment style in which the fundamental of an individual company holds more importance than the category of the industry.
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund: With an ideal investment horizon of 3+ years, this is an equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) which gives you tax benefits. This Mirae Asset mutual fund gives you the flexibility to invest across different market capitalizations.
Mirae Asset Great Consumer Fund: Having its primary investment objective as wealth creation with an ideal investment horizon of 5+ years, this equity fund primarily invests in a broad range of sectors like FMCG, Auto, Healthcare, Education, Media & Entertainment, Tourism, Transportation, etc. The complete portfolio will consist usually 35 to 40 stocks.
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund: Earlier known as Mirae Asset India Equity Fund, this equity fund invests more than 80% of its assets in equity and equity-related instruments of large-cap companies. Large-cap companies are the top 100 companies according to market capitalization. Both regular and direct plans are available for you to invest in this fund.
Mirae Asset Focused Fund: Having an ideal investment horizon of between 3 to 5 years, this equity scheme invests in a maximum of 30 stocks across all categories of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap which means that you can have the flexibility to invest across market capitalization. You can avoid both concentration risk and liquidity risk by investing in this scheme.
Mirae Asset Debt Fund
A debt mutual fund ensures that an investor is able to earn a steady and regular income over a period of time. These kinds of funds are best for investors who want to invest for a short to medium time horizon and have a slightly low-risk appetite. Mirae Asset has a wide range of debt fund schemes from which the investor can choose according to their investment objective and risk appetite. These funds basically invest in debt instruments (bonds, debentures, money-market securities, etc) of various companies to ensure a stable return to the investors. Below are some of them.
- Mirae Asset Savings Regular Fund
- Mirae Asset Dynamic Bond Fund
- Mirae Asset Cash Management Fund
Mirae Asset Savings Regular Fund: This debt fund primarily invests in debt and money market instruments having short term maturity. The portfolio will have to be of high quality.
Mirae Asset Dynamic Bond Fund: This Mirae Asset debt fund scheme has a recommended investment horizon of 3+ years and invests mainly in top-rated instruments such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and a bit in money market instruments.
Mirae Asset Cash Management Fund: This open-ended liquid scheme invests mainly in money market and debt instruments. Having a recommended investment horizon of 1 day to 6 months, this hybrid fund has a nominal risk of the interest rate and always looks for giving investors a stable return with the least risk involved.
Mirae Asset Hybrid Fund
As you know that a hybrid fund invests in two or more than two asset classes to ensure both capital appreciation in the long run and stable return in the short-run. The asset classes can be stocks, bonds or gold. A hybrid fund is considered to be a perfect investment opportunity for both budding and seasoned investors because of the low degree of risk attached to it. In a way, it tries to strike a balance between risk and returns. You can thus look below and know more about the Mirae Asset hybrid fund.
Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund: This hybrid fund has a moderate share of risk attached to it. Having an investment horizon of at least more than 3 years, this scheme has a portfolio mix of equity and fixed income instruments. This scheme allows implementing the top-down approach for considering the interest rate and sector allocation view.
What are the various methods by which you can invest in Mirae Asset Mutual Fund?
Now you’ve known about the various mutual fund schemes provided by the Mirae Asset Global Investments, you may want to invest in these funds and the ways by which you can do it. So, let me tell you that there are mainly two ways by which you can invest - Lumpsum and SIP (Systematic Investment Planning).
Both these methods are different from each other in terms. In lumpsum, you can make a one-time investment, whereas, in the SIP method, you can choose to invest in definite intervals - daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.
How can you calculate the total return amount with the help of the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund SIP Return Calculator?
Now you’ve got to know about the two methods by which you can invest in Mirae Asset mutual fund schemes. Let’s assume you choose to invest via the SIP method. You must be curious about how much corpus you can generate over time by investing small amounts periodically, won’t you? You can have an accurate estimation of the total return which you would get with the help of the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund SIP return calculator.
In order to use this calculator, you will need a basic few details like the monthly amount that you would like to invest, investment period and expected annual return in percentage. Besides these options, you can also choose if you want an adjustment in the calculation according to the inflation. The calculator will give you the corpus that you will most likely have at the end of the investment period.
What is Mirae Asset Mutual Fund NAV?
NAV is a pretty common term associated with mutual fund schemes. NAV stands for Net Asset Value by which you can define the overall worth of any mutual fund. When someone decides to opt for a mutual fund scheme, the value of it’s NAV determines the performance of it. It is derived by subtracting the liabilities from the assets of a fund. One thing you need to remember that the NAV is bound to change according to the market fluctuations.
How to check the performance of the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund?
The performance of any mutual fund scheme can be gauged by the return amount it has given in the previous years. You can also check the previous NAVs of the fund to assess the performance better. After checking the performance of that fund, you must consider your own investment objective so that you can be sure of its alignment with the chosen fund’s objective.
Where to find the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Common application form?
In order to get access to the common application form of the funds that you want to invest in, you have to visit the official website of the Mirae Asset. On the top section of the website, you will see the ‘DOWNLOADS’ section. The moment you click on it, you’ll get to the ‘FORM’ where you will see all mutual fund schemes provided by Mirae Asset. On clicking the particular mutual fund’s name, your application form will be downloaded. You can submit it after filling a few basic details like name, date of birth, etc.
How can you invest in Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Online @Wishfin?
You can invest in your chosen Mirae Asset Mutual Fund online via Wishfin - an online financial marketplace. The steps that you need to follow are mentioned below.
Registration Process:
- First of all, visit wishfin.com
- Click on Mutual Funds.
- Go to ‘Register’
- Fill up the details
- Enter your Mobile Number
- Click on ‘Get started’
- Mention your name, email id and other essential details.
- Create a password according to the required details.
- Click on Sign Up
Now, your account is ready to use. After creating an account, follow these details.
- Go to ‘Explore Mutual Funds’ Options
- On Scrolling a bit through the page, you will see ‘Mirae Asset Mutual Fund’.
- A list of all the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Scheme with different ratings will come on the screen. You can identify their rating by the stars mentioned against them.
- Click on the ‘Invest’ below any of the mutual fund schemes you like to invest in.
How can you get the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Account Statement?
You can easily get your statement of account by visiting the section of Statement of Account Mail back services provided by Mirae Asset Mutual Fund. You just have to fill a few basic details like the date range and your portfolio number. The statement of account will be sent to your registered email address. You should check your statement of account at regular intervals so that you can stay updated with your investment.
How to contact Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Customer Care?
On having any kind of query regarding the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund schemes, you can get in touch with the representatives of the Mirae Asset representatives by calling them on the toll-free number 1800-2090-777 from every Monday to Saturday (9 am to 6 pm). Besides this, you can also contact them via email.
Key People in Mirae Asset Asset Management Company Limited:
You can see the names of people working as the board of directors, trustees, and senior management in the Mirae Asset AMC mentioned below.
AMC Board of Directors:
The list of board of Directors is given below.
- Mr. Yogesh Chadha (Independent Director)
- Mr. Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan (Independent Director)
- Mr. Swarup Anand Mohanty (Director Associate)
- Mr. Jun Young Hong (Director Associate)
Mirae Asset AMC Fund Managers:
- Mr. Neelesh Surana - Chief Investment Officer (Equity)
- Mr. Gaurav Mishra - Sr. Fund Manager (Equity)
- Mr. Harshad Borawake - Head of Research (Equity)
- Mr. Ankit Jain - Associate Fund Manager (Equity)
- Mr. Mahendra Kumar Jajoo - Head (Fixed Income)
- Mr. Abhishek Iyer - Dealer (Fixed Income)
- Mr. Kunal Khadania - Credit Analyst (Fixed Income)
- Ms. Kruti Chheta - Fixed Income Analyst
- Mr. Ashwini Kumar Mathur - Principal (Real Estate)
- Mr. Ashish Jain - Principal (Real Estate)
Mirae Asset Trustee Directors:
- Mr. V. B. Haribhakti (Independent Director)
- Mr. S. T. Gerela (Independent Director)
- Mr. K. Ramasubramanian (Independent Director)
- Mr. M. L. Soneji (Independent Director)
- Dr. Manoj Vaish (Additional Director - Independent)
- CA Uttam Prakash Agarwal (Additional Director - Independent)
- Dr. Barendra Kumar Bhoi (Additional Director - Independent)
Key Personnel of Mirae Asset AMC:
- Mr. Swarup Anand Mohanty - Chief Investment Officer
- Mr. Neelesh Surana - Chief Investment Officer (CIO)
- Mr. Mahendra Kumar Jajoo - Head (Fixed Income)
- Mr. Jun Young Hong - Chief Business Officer
- Mr. Girish Dhanani - Head Operations & Investor Relations
- Mr. Vaibhav Shah - Head of Product, Marketing & Corporate Comms
- Mr. Ritesh Patel - Head of Compliance, Risk, Legal & Company Secretary
- Mr. Krishna Kanhaiya - Chief Financial Officer